Follow Friday Blog
Only 13 days until #15SDAFF and we’re starting to confirm which celebrities are going to be there. Be there and try to catch a selfie, but give yourself a better chance with an All-Access Pass for front of the line privileges to panels and celebrity Q&As. Our festival is 10 days and there’s so much to see, but in honor of #FollowFriday, here’s a few of who will be there for #15SDAFF.
Anna Akana (SDAFF Panelist/YouTube Creator)
Desiree Akhavan (Director, APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR)
Adam Azimov (Director, THE BADDEST PART)
Dave Boyle (Director, MAN FROM RENO)
Vera Brunner-Sung (Director, BELLA VISTA)
and follow us @PacArtsMovement on twitter as well.
Come back next Friday for another SDAFF Follow Friday.
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